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What’s It Like Working
With Montis Financial?

A Unique Experience
From Start to Finish

We want you to understand our process from the beginning. It is important to note that while we work efficiently, we also want to make every piece easy for you to understand. There are many pieces associated with your financial picture and it’s our job, as a team, to help you fit them together. No matter the concerns or questions you may have, we’ll remain available to help you connect the dots to bring you peace of mind now and for years ahead. 


Getting Started

Step 1

Initial Phone Call

We begin with a call to get to know you. Your advisor wants to learn about you and what you’re looking for in a financial partner. We’ll talk you through our client-focused approach and our current fees. We are fee-only planners, so our costs are fully transparent. If you decide there is a mutual fit, we’ll schedule our first meeting.

Step 2

Gather Information

Before our first meeting, we will ask you to provide material that will help us learn more about your finances and your current and long-term goals.

Step 3

First Meeting

Our first meeting is designed to confirm the information you’ve sent to begin to prioritize your goals. 

Step 4

Second Meeting

We’ll review where you stand in relation to your goals. We will also review recommendations for changes and discuss a plan to get you there, along with a to-do list to keep your customized strategy on track.

Step 5

Discretionary Investment Management and Ongoing Plan Monitoring

Welcome to the Montis family! Our relationship will evolve to best serve you and your ever-changing needs. Based on any life events or milestones you encounter, our team will make proactive adjustments.

Step 6

Continuous Service

With our dedication to personal communications and regular evaluation of your plans and goals, we strive to be the advisor you and your family can rely on for generations to come.

Ready To Begin?

Contact Us

Please Note: Limitations. The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement and the specific requests and needs of the client.