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Why Fee-Only?

We Believe in Aligning Our Interests

As a fee-only, independent advisory firm, Montis Financial is committed to providing unbiased financial advice that we would be confident taking ourselves. Our advisors have taken a fiduciary oath to always act in the client's best interest, which is reflected in our fee-only pricing structure.  

It may come as a surprise, but not all advisors are legally and ethically committed to put your best interests ahead of their own. Many firms are held to a suitability standard, which is the industry’s basic requirement. At Montis Financial, we are proud to operate under the higher fiduciary standard—always putting your interests first.  

Building a Relationship With a Fee-Only Advisor Means:

No Commissions or Referral Fees

Services Built in Your Best Interest, Always

Transparency in the Fees and Costs Involved

Determine if Montis Financial Is Right for You

Because we aren’t influenced by commissions or bound to a certain set of products, we base our advice exclusively on you and your needs. Our success as a firm ultimately stems from your success as our client. 

Contact Us to Get Started