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The Montis Mission

At Montis, we seek to enrich life's experiences through redefining the way Investors think for greater wealth creation

Learn how We Stand Out

A Financial Partner That Listens

The Montis Way is a customized experience in which we listen attentively to you, care deeply about what you want to accomplish, review what you’ve done to date, and then create a plan to help you achieve the outcomes you desire.

Looking for a truly different financial experience? You’re in the right place.

Discover why clients trust Montis for their financial journey.

Learn More About Our Approach

What To Expect When We Work Together

Whether you are a young professional with a complicated benefits structure, a pre-retiree or retiree looking to maximize distributions, or a business owner balancing work and life financial decisions–we become your partner in your financial decision-making process.

Working Professionals

We help you grow and optimize your wealth to support your lifestyle and plan for retirement.


Our planning ensures your retirement distributions are tailored to your lifestyle.

Business Owners

We simplify the balance between work and personal finances for seamless growth.

It’s all about decades of experience

We know the questions you need to ask and have the answers you need to make the best decisions for your family.

See How We Work Together

We are

Independent. Fee-based. Thorough. Education-focused. Forward-thinking.

Ready to take the first step?
Get Started With Montis